Introduction to #TheDDBHHTax Campaign

Do you know about the DDBHH Tax, also known as the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Tax?

Tune in to watch Corey Axelrod, 2axend founder and CEO, in his latest #ConversationsWithCorey video as he breaks down examples of how being Deaf, DeafBlind or hard of hearing comes with extra costs and challenges.

It’s time to raise awareness about #TheDDBHHTax and push for systemic change.

Watch the video to learn more about our space in #TheDisabilityTax movement!

2023 Reflections and 2024 Goals<<

About the author : Corey Axelrod

Corey Axelrod, MBA, is a passionate social justice advocate and social entrepreneur. As founder and CEO of 2axend, he guides organizations to create user-centric experiences for the Deaf and hard of hearing community.