Friday, September 13, 2024

3:00 – 5:00PM (CT)

A1 | Interpreting for Deaf Subject Matter Experts: Key Implications and Considerations

Anthony Maginity, PE; Farah Piatek, EIT, MSCE, BArch; and Kristina Riley, M.A., C.I., N.I.C.

What is the value of partnering with a designated interpreter? During this session, the presenters will draw from personal experiences in discussing the implications of interpreting for Deaf subject-matter experts, and what impact doing so has not only on the Deaf professional, but also their colleagues.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify and discuss the similarities and differences between–and implications of– generalist interpreting and designated interpreting
  • Understand what Deaf professionals expect from their interpreters
  • Understand the specialized training for different fields of professionals
  • Recognize the need for a mindset shift by viewing this as a partnership not a service being rendered
  • Recognize the need for accountability as an individual as well as a part of a bigger community

3:00 – 5:00PM (CT)

A2 | Armchair Conversation: Perspectives of Hard of Hearing Professionals

Britnee Hursin, CMP; Corey Axelrod, MBA; Liliana Zolt; and TJay Middlebrook

As interpreting for Deaf and hard of hearing professionals is not one-size-fits-all, this armchair conversation takes a deep dive into the distinct experiences hard of hearing professionals encounter in the workplace. Exploring potential cultural differences and communication preferences will help position interpreters to understand the perceptions of and realities faced, as well as how to provide support to maximize hard of hearing professionals’ needs in a variety of professional environments.
Participants will leave this interactive workshop with:

  • An understanding of the cultural identity journey and communication challenges hard of hearing individuals experience;
  • An understanding of the perceived audiological differences between Deaf and hard of hearing individuals; and
  • Tools and strategies to support hard of hearing professionals’ unique communication needs.

5:45 – 7:45PM (CT)

B1 | Ethical Insights & Realities of Corporate Interpreting

Lauren Berger, Ph.D.

Explore interpreting ethics through a deaf professional’s lens. Engage in a discussion on consumer experiences, quality challenges, power imbalance and ethical decision-making. Address field limitations in corporate settings, identify strategies to center deaf consumers, and improve corporate-readiness upskilling opportunities for interpreters.

Participants will be able to: 

  • Describe at least three examples of the consumer experience of interpreting services from a deaf professional’s perspective.
  • Unpack the realities and limitations of the interpreting field, with a focus on interpreting in the corporate climate.
  • Identify at least four ways to improve decision-making, center the deaf consumer, neutralize the power imbalance, and bridge gaps in upskilling opportunities.

* Designated as RID PPO Session

5:45 – 7:45 PM (CT)

B2 | Leveraging Technology and Tools for Enhanced Interpreting and Voicing in Complex Environments

Josh Goldschmid, Ph.D. and Marcus Sarracino

This session explores the integration of cutting-edge technologies and tools to optimize interpreting services for Deaf professionals in challenging, high-stakes, and dynamic settings. It will cover practical applications of advanced software, mobile applications, and assistive devices that facilitate accurate and efficient communication. Attendees will gain insights into how these technological solutions can be tailored to meet the specific needs of Deaf professionals in various professional contexts, including remote and hybrid work environments, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

Participants will be able to:

  • Understand the complexity of interpreting environments in a high stakes environment such as in aerospace, safety problem-solving sessions, health care, and high-level leadership meetings.
  • Understand the potential opportunities in utilizing technology in interpreting, including AI, remote interpreting platforms, and assistive devices.
  • Be able to evaluate these opportunities in various professional contexts.
  • Advocate for accessibility and inclusion within the Deaf community, supporting Deaf professionals in achieving their career goals and overcoming communication barriers.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

10:00AM – 12:00PM (CT)

C1 | CorpSpeak 101

Lauren Berger, Ph.D.

In this session, a deaf professional will guide interpreters through corporate lingo in the format of a Jeopardy game, focusing on enhancing their understanding and translation of business terminology. The workshop aims to improve interpreters’ fluency in corporate communication, ensuring accurate and effective interactions in professional settings.

This session will:

  • Enhance interpreters’ comprehension of diverse corporate terminology through interactive activities.
  • Foster proficiency in translating business jargon accurately and contextually.
  • Equip interpreters with skills to convey the nuances of corporate culture in their interpretations.

10:00AM – 12:00PM (CT)

C2 | Disempowerment at the Hands of Interpreters

Alana Beal

This workshop will give participants an in-depth understanding of how their power and privilege can disempower Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing professionals. Learn about different theories behind disempowerment and how interpreters can become allies to Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing professionals and set them up for success through intentional partnerships.

Participants will be able to:

  • Build an in-depth understanding of theories of disempowerment in interpreting for Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing professionals.
  • Deconstruct disempowerment by understanding your power and privilege as an interpreter.
  • Perform allyship professionally with boundaries clearly defined in a professional space/setting.

* Designated as RID PPO Session

1:00 – 2:30PM (CT)

D1 | An Interactive Conversation about the DeafBlind Experience in the Workplace

Rhonda Voight-Campbell and Yashaira “Yash" Romilus

This is an open forum for participants to ask questions or request further elaboration on best practices in working with DeafBlind professionals in a judgement-free environment. Issues of power, privilege and oppression will be addressed to best facilitate and support effective communication and practice intersectionality and inclusion awareness.

Participants will be able to:

  • List three strategies to facilitate and support the provision of effective communication experiences for DeafBlind professionals.
  • List a minimum of two ways they can practice intersectionality and inclusion awareness when working with DeafBlind professionals.

* Designated as RID PPO Session

1:00 – 2:30PM (CT)

D2 | Panel Discussion: Interpreting for Deaf Executives

Chris Wagner; Darian B. Gambrell; and Katherine Lees

During this panel discussion, panelists will discuss the intricacies of human behavior, organizational dynamics, and the broader context in which leadership operates. Furthermore, panelists will provide interpreters with appropriate schema, tools and strategies to effectively interpret in settings with Deaf and hard of hearing executives.

Participants will be able to:

  • List three strategies to facilitate and support the provision of effective communication experiences for Deaf and hard of hearing executives.
  • List a minimum of three expectations Deaf and hard of hearing executives have of their interpreters.

3:15 – 5:15PM (CT)

E1 | Working with Deaf Professionals: Considering Ethics, Institutional Conflicts, and Professional Interactions

David Spiecker; Sara K Blick-Nitko, Ph.D.; Wyatte C. Hall, Ph.D; and Aileen Aldalur, Ph.D.

The number of Deaf professionals is growing rapidly as deaf individuals continue to break through glass ceilings. Despite these great achievements, Deaf professionals continue to be underrepresented in higher education and professional settings. There exist many barriers to the entry, advancement, and retention of Deaf professionals in high level positions. Deaf professionals continue to fight for equity and inclusion in the workplace. ASL interpreters have a unique role in fostering an equitable and inclusive workplace for Deaf professionals. However, the needs of Deaf professionals are highly specialized and go above and beyond simply creating an accessible environment. This session will outline common issues that arise between Deaf professionals and ASL interpreters that can threaten equity and inclusion. We will discuss gaps in current literature and training as well as provide suggestions to advance the field of ASL interpreting and pave the road for the future success of Deaf professionals.

After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the needs of Deaf professionals that are currently not being fulfilled by the profession of interpreting
  • Identify the requisite skill sets and ethics needed to properly prepare interpreters to work with Deaf professionals in technical and/or leadership roles
  • Describe different ways how power and privilege derived from institutional structure and audism presents itself
  • Analyze how the interpreting profession can better train, prepare, and identify interpreters that can interpret for Deaf professionals in technical and/or leadership roles.

* Designated as RID PPO Session

3:15 – 5:15PM (CT)

E2 | Key Strategies: Interpreting for Deaf Professionals in the Workplace

Kathryn Canfield, SHRM-CP and Tiffany Ruffa, SHRM-CP

This interactive workshop will cover various HR scenarios, highlighting the unique nature of HR situations influenced by company structure, size, and the thoroughness of the HR department. Participants will learn common HR terminology and receive practical tips for working effectively with Deaf employees. The workshop will address a range of HR meetings, from orientation to disciplinary sessions, emphasizing the importance of quality preparation for interpreters. We will also share useful acronyms to enhance understanding and efficiency.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify and apply effective communication strategies for working with Deaf adults in the workplace, including recognizing when Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDIs) are needed.
  • Recognize and use common HR terminology relevant to Deaf employees and interpreting scenarios.
  • Prepare effectively for meetings by understanding the role of HR and consider the necessary steps for quality interpretation.